Assalamualaikum Wr wb

After a week have move from Multiply to blog spot. Here I am, try to implementing what i have write in repatriation time capsule. In 3 month time capsule, I have wrote to using English in my personal blog. now, I try to make my activities in writing blog give me more value and I think this is the best way to maintain my English.

Organization is a part of my life. since in elementary school, I try to join extra activity to fulfill my time and learn how to be a leader. Yeah, I like to be a Leader. And that habit is continue until I'm in University. when i was a freshman i was included as a staff of pengembangan sumber daya manusia BEM UI 2009. and you know what? BEM UI 2009 is my first and my last organization in university.

so I can say that BEM UI as a song of commercial song of milk:
My first
My last
My everything
and the answer to All my dream
You're my sun
My moon
My greatest star
my kind of wonder full
that what you are
My everything

event it sound too much, but inside of my heart is agree with that song about BEM UI 2009, especially the people that I met, They are Awesome!


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