Sri Munaji--The Tower--I will remember you all the time


Assalamualaikum Wr wb,,

This morning, after subuh pray, A message come to my cellphone text from my beloved Murrobi. she said that start this week my weekly Halaqa will move.
move to a new Murrobi
Move to a new friends
move to a new habits and culture
move to a better place

hemm...Separation is always sad and blue.
in our last meeting, my Sweet MR give us a very important values to hold on:
1. respect your teacher
2. Always follow her/his instruction
3. Do everything perfectly and remember, all the good thing that you do, will return to yourself

I will remember all the Time about our silaturahim in The Tower, how hard we thought about that name, from sri munaji to the tower, Always remember Abang becak that always greet us with "Tower neng tower" and always remember our "paguyuban Program"; decorate the room with color full paper, balloon, celebrate all the special day of the member, prepare for iftar, sleepover and arrange the program, ahhh all the memories are so sweet.

no one can replace all the kindness all of you guys, see you in Jannah, InsyaAllah


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