main problem is myself

Assalamualaikum Wr. wr.

All people in the world face the problem that different and fit with their ability to resolve. Problem that comes always gives some special massage from God, but not all people can catch that message as a good thing and give huge benefit for their self. Instead, Problem definate as a sign to stop and hopeless from effort, pray, and beliveness. for me, Problem is a sign from Allah that I not maintain the relationship between me and Allah as a God and creature, and my main problem now is myself.

Now, my big problem is myself. Laziness make my self slow and can't think evectively. In fact. there are so many thing that i have to do, I have long list from office, organization, home, and the main thing to do is starting my thesis for my bachelor degree. thats the main thing, because your futur is under constraction right now, and graduate from bachelor degree is one of important foundation to create the future aspiration. so, I have to finish it as soon as possible because my future as a Nurse is depand on my effort.

I remember past time when I was a fressman of university, I was a delligent student. I ever got "very good" grade from my laboratory lecturer for my cell draw. hufff,,,this afternoon I was look for somesthing In my documents, and I found my notes, I readed, and I conclude that i was a delligent student at that time, but not now!!

One, two, Three-------I have to Change

Ok, from now. with all energy, I will bring back Rahayu Mulya when she is a fressman, do all stuff that have to do, and try to force my-self, Ayu, because Allah will change me, when I have an effort from inside to change.




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