My New job- An English Teacher
I'm back, writing again


I LOVE SUNDAY, after a weeks have struglled in Coach training in SIMPLE lembaga percepatan belajar Bogor.
I prefer to enjoy my-self today, woke up in the morning, bought my favorite Doclang (a traditional food from Bogor, it's like lontong with peanut seasoning with additional stuff like boilde potato, tofu, red-onion fried, and aslo kerupuk), accompanied my mother to wet market, Helped my mother to cook, and last but not least, took a nap, huaaahhh, it totaly relaxing my body, mind and soul
It already 2 mounths after I came back from The United State, and I can say that I have adjust everything surround me. Alhamdulilillah, repatriation is so hard and take a long time

Actually, I almost die doing nothing for about 2 mounth in home, my study is pospone until next year, so I decided to find a job, to fullfill my empaty day, to maintan my english, to earn some money, to balencing my psicology, you know, the memories in The united State always in my mind. It's come when I was alone, and I gone when I do something, so I appy my resume to LEMBAGA PERCEPATAN BELAJAR SIMPLE
I hope I can be a good, cool, and charming english teacher, hahahah