Happy Graduation

Four years ago, I thought  I will garduate in 7 September 2012, But I false.
Allah has Plan for my future life, something that mare beutiful than I planed before.

By the way, last friday is my friends of 2008 garde graduated from bachelor degree. They look so happy and exiting to do the graduation ceremony n Balairung University of Indonesia. when I arrived to that building, so many flower seller that sell some flower bucket of flower. and I have a promise to all m best friends to come to their graduation ceremony with rhe rose flower in mu hand to them, so I bought some rose.

Honestly, Inside my heart, I felt little bit sad and much happy. why sad? because I am not graduate together with my best friend, I can't invite my family to come to University of Indonesia this year, I can't continue my study in ners profession, and all this things mean I can't reply the kindness of my family with something that i earn from my work. But forget it! Much happy because all my friend are graduate and can continue they're study direcly, wuthout any pospond, eventhouht the cost of the higher study is expensive:(

In conclution, graduation is not the and of live journey, there are still long long way to be passed until we find the purpose of our live:)

to all my best friend, Thank you so much


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